We spent 15 years developing the world’s most advanced
CAD/PDM/PLM-to-ERP integration system for OEMs

We are now ready to share it
with you for free.

Absolutely free.

Bridging the Gap Between
Design and Manufacturing

Leading CAD – ERP Integration & Automation Solutions

Elmo Solutions is a world class leader in CAD/PDM/PLM – ERP data integration, and has established partnerships with the leaders in this market segment.

Its clients are based all around the world. They are mostly Engineered-To-Order (ETO) manufacturers that require solutions to integrate information relating to design, project and supply chain management.

Its flagship product, Agni Link, allows seamless data exchange between internal departments.

Product Offering

Elmo Solutions addresses the need for exchanging information between different corporate entities and suppliers working with different data formats.

Exchange of information between marketing/product development, purchasing, production and logistics is difficult, time-consuming and error-prone, since each department uses its own sets of applications. Information cannot be shared consistently, data have to be re-entered and important information can get lost causing negative impact on product quality and time.

Elmo Solutions’ flagship product, Agni Link, allows seamless two-way data-exchanges between the leading applications in design and purchasing/production management.

Its connectors support a large number of ERP data such as

  • Bills of Materials (BoM)
  • Business Process Management (BPM) data
  • Engineering Change Management
  • Document Management
  • CRM
  • Parts
  • Product Catalogues
  • Routing data
  • Supply chain data
  • Work orders.

Key Benefits of Using Agni Link

“Agni Link helps us reduce our annual design and engineering costs by at least $ 90,000”
– Dean I. Haase
Software/Engineering Manager
Innovative Laser Technologies

Reduce design time by up to 25%

In Engineering-to-order (ETO)-intensive manufacturing companies, anywhere between 5% and 25% of the total engineering is devoted to the transfer of Bills of Materials (BoM) from engineering to manufacturing. Automating that process translates into dramatic savings … and improved lead time.

Elimination of costly errors on factory floor

Increased BoM accuracy brings increased product quality, better yield on raw material … and lower production.

Rapid Return on Investment

Agni Link usually pays for itself very quickly. Recovery periods of 180 days or less are not uncommon.


Easy to deploy. Easy to use. Easy to maintain. Always under total control.

Elmo Solutions’ Competitive Edge

“Finally someone understood this!0”
– Jesper Antonsen
Technical Manager,

“We had 62 versions of [a competing product] and it never did work. We spent over $100,000 with [ the competitor] and it never did work. Granted […] it had as much to do with our broken system and processes. But the fact is it never did work […]. Now that we have it working it seems like there is no comparison because one works and the other didn’t.”
– Dan Nursall
IT Manager
Western Trailers

Fully customer-customizable. No Programming. Ever.

Through the Agni Link Configuration Builder, Elmo Solutions customers have full control over the solution, and can customize their integration without having to turn to the vendor. A unique capability missing from our main competitors’ offering.

A True Turnkey Solution… with no surprises!

All Agni Link implementations are done for a fixed-fee, under the optional JumpStart Program. Customers may ask for an unlimited number of mappings and “tweaks”, the cost is the same. No surprises!

35 Years of Engineering Experience

When asked why they picked Agni Link over competing solutions, customers answer most frequently: “Because Elmo Solutions was the only vendor who really understood our business process”. Even the best product must sit firmly on a thorough knowledge of the best ways to leverage its power.

Our Customer Segments

Custom/ETO manufacturers

The majority of Elmo Solutions customers are custom/ETO manufacturers. They are looking for integrated solutions, such as ERPs, to manage the data flow from design to production, purchasing and sales.

According to Panorama Consulting, 29% of ERP solutions are sold to manufacturing firms – of which the sub-segment of ETO manufacturers represents around 25% (Questica). As a result, ETO manufacturers represent 7% of all ERP customers.

While these ERPs connect the main corporate functions such as accounting, production, sales, etc., the integration of data with CAD design software is often overlooked or only partially implemented. Here Elmo Solutions comes in, closing the gap.

CAD-ERP integration software purchased by ETO manufacturers represents a 230 million US $ market opportunity.

According to Statista1, worldwide IT spending on enterprise software totals more than 32.6 billion US $/year. With ETO manufacturers representing 7% of these purchases, of which CAD-ERP integration represents 10%, the total market size for CAD-ERP integration can be evaluated at 230 million US $.

Elmo Solutions connects to the top vendors of both ERP and CAD solutions.

For the manufacturing industry, Panorama Consulting2 assigns Microsoft the largest market share with 38%, followed by Epicor, SAP and Netsuite (Oracle) as the other top vendors.

The computer-aided design (CAD) market3 worldwide is to reach 11.2 billion US $ in 2023. The market is shared by market leader CATIA, followed by SolidWorks, Autodesk and Solid Edge.

Elmo Solutions, by partnering with the leading ERP and CAD vendors, is well positioned to participate in the growth of this market.

Ready To Get Started?

1) https://www.statista.com/topics/1823/business-software/
2) http://go.panorama-consulting.com/rs/603-UJX-107/images/2015-Manufacturing-ERP-Report-2.pdf
3) https://www.statista.com/statistics/789999/worldwide-computer-aided-design-market/