By using the Budget Price Calculator below, you agree to the following rules of engagement. Please read them carefully.


Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Warning... This is a Beta version!

  • Thank you for using the Agni Link Budget Pricing Calculator!
  • This page is available to Elmo Solutions Partners for testing purposes. Only an Elmo Solutions-provided proposal constitutes a formal, binding offer from Elmo Solutions
  • Please make sure to click the Submit button, as this is the only way we can verify our calculations!
  • Your feedback, as usual, is more than welcome... Feel free to use the Comments field below.

Partners must use this form to register an opportunity

"*" indicates required fields

Partner Company Name
Your Name*
Customer Contact's Name
Can Elmo Solutions discuss pricing with prospect/customer*
Once the deal is closed, do you want Elmo Solutions to:*